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Drop off's and pick up's


Contracted Hours: 

I do not have standard operating hours. I work based on contracted schedules for each individual family. Hours needed for care will be discussed for each child and a schedule will be set, this will be the child’s “contracted hours”. Care will be provided for your child only during your contracted hours. You may chose any hours between 8:15 am and 4:15pm. Because I operate using contracted hours, I am only open for the hours I am scheduled for, on any given day. 


Your child's contracted hours (time and days of care) will be outlined in detail in the contract. If I feel the contract needs to be reevaluated for any reason, I reserve the right to work with the parents to redo the contract.  For instance, If you start coming at different times then your contracted times, your contracted time will be moved to reflect and accommodate your average drop off & pick up times.


Everyday you will be expected to drop your child off NO EARLIER than your contracted drop off time, and pick them up NO LATER than your contracted pick up time.  Please keep that in mind when choosing your times.  


Think of it as a 15 min drop off or pick up window.  If your child's contracted hours are 8:15am-4:15pm, you should be dropping off between 8:15am - 8:30am, and picking up between 4:00 - 4:15pm.  No need to stress out about this, just try and get here within that 15 min. window. If you’re running late please text me/call me.


Because, I do not have set working hours or days, I work what is on my schedule and I am closed when I have no children scheduled. For instance, if I have one child scheduled for the day, and they call in sick, I am then entirely closed for the day.  If I have 5 children, and the last child is supposed to leave at 3:30pm, then I close at 3:30pm that day.  If you need an extra day or extra hours, you must request this in advance.  If you request a change the day of, and it goes beyond my working schedule for that day, I will let you know if I am available.  I use my time off for errands, appointments, etc., so please try and schedule changes in advance.

Please do not assume it is ok to be late or early just because it is within 8:15am - 4:15pm.  I might not be here when you show up because I am not expecting anyone until later that morning.  Same is true in the afternoons.  If I know I am done with scheduled kids by 4pm, I may make an appointment for that day.  If someone shows up at 4:15, instead of their scheduled 3:45-4pm, this will cause an issue.  Please request different pick up times in advance so I can plan for this, thanks!


Please keep in mind that depending on what time your contracted times are, your child might miss various activities for that day, including circle time, art time, outside time, or snack. I am sorry for this, but it doesn't always work out with varying schedules.


All drop off's are to be scheduled between 8:15am - 9am, All children should arrive before 9 am each day.


All pick up's are to be scheduled between 3:45pm- 4:15pm


No pick up's are allowed during afternoon nap 1pm-3:45pm


If you want to pick your child up before their afternoon nap, the best time is between 12pm - 1pm.



Drop off & Pick up Procedures:


Please drop your child off at the door under the carport.


I do not answer the door before 8:15AM, please remain in your car until I am open, Thank you.


I am required to sign every child in and out each day to keep track of daily attendance.


PLEASE USE THE DOORBELL, it will not wake up any sleeping children and it is hard to hear anyone knocking. Thanks!!!


Please be patient with me, as it often takes me a few minutes to get to the door.  I have to make sure each child has all their belongings, and that every other child is happy and safe so I may come to the door.  I appreciate everyone's patience.  


Each family drops off and picks up their child one at a time.  If another family is currently at the door, please wait in your vehicle until they are done.  This helps things run much smoother and allows me time to pass along personal information to each family, as well as safely get everyone inside and settled.  I appreciate everyone's cooperation with this. Please let anyone picking your child up know about this procedure.


Please park in my driveway, or on either side of the driveway on the side of the road.


Please do not park in or block any of my neighbors driveways.  You may on occasion need to circle around and come back.


You may park in the grass by the hedges, directly across from my house.  They do not mind :)


Please do not hang out and talk in the carport, driveway, or road, this prevents other parents from being able to get in and out.  We have a very quiet road and I have had complaints about parents in the road talking and blocking my neighbors.  You should be in your car until the parent before you returns to their car.  I hate being strict about this, but it really holds everyone up and I always get complaints from other parents when someone is holding everyone up.


Most of my  neighbors are very kind and understanding, however I would like to stay on their good sides, by being as low key as possible. So anything you can do to keep the peace I appreciate! Thank you!


Please drive slowly and cautiously when on my street and turning into the driveway.  Everyone is brining small children to their cars and walking near the road and in my driveway, please be looking extra carefully.   


Unusual drop off/pick up times and Absences: If your child will be missing school that day, or arriving later than usual, please call/text me as soon as possible.  The state of Florida requires me to contact families that do not show up at their scheduled time.  This is to help prevent children from being left in vehicles.  Please help by contacting me and giving me a heads up if your arrival plans change for the day.


I do not allow children to be dropped off during their normal nap/rest time. If you are unsure of these times, please feel free to ask. We can then come up with an appropriate drop off time for the day.


If you decide to drop your child off after 11:30am, please feed your child lunch before dropping them off.


Please note that tuition remains the same if your child does not attend for ANY reason.


If you plan on picking your child up before their normal pick up time, please let me know ahead of time. This way I can have your child ready for you. It will also be helpful in knowing who is at the door, as I do not answer the door if I don't know who it is.



If you are going to be late picking your child up, please call me as soon as you know/realize. Please be prepared to pay the late fee upon arrival. If your schedule changes and you need later care, we might be able to work out a tuition change, so you don’t constantly have to pay late fees.  Late fees should be added to your weekly Venmo payment.


Pick up by someone other than parents: In order for someone besides a parent to pick up a child, they must be listed on your child’s pick up list, I must know ahead of time, and they must provide a valid driver’s license for me to check. Please let me know if someone else will be picking up your child as soon as possible. If I do not know before hand, I will not release your child until I have verbal approval from you. If anyone shows up that I deem unfit to drive, I will not release your child to them.  


Doctor Appointments/etc.: Please try and schedule doctor appointments, or anything similar, either early in the morning before care, or after you pick your child up. I know in some cases this isn't possible. Let me know if you will need to drop off late or pick up early because of an appointment.


I do not allow children to be picked up for an appointment and then be dropped back off with me. Not only is this very upsetting to the child, but also it most often affects lunchtime and nap time (since it would be in the middle of the day). Please remember, I do not allow any drop off's during your child's normal nap time (check with me if you are unsure of these times). If you need to pick your child up early, please remember that I only wake children up upon your arrival.


Summer Schedules: During the months of June, July, and August; families will submit their summer schedule.  These are the days and times you intend to bring your child over the summer.  If you already know if/when you will be out of town, you may also include those dates.  If you do not know vacation dates, just let me know as soon as you do.  I will be closed any days/hours that are not scheduled.  If you need extra days/times please request these as far in advance as possible, and I will let you know what's available.  I will not allow any day of/ last minute changes during the summer (unless you are removing a day or lessoning hours).  


Your rates will not change if you chose to bring your child less over the summer.  I do not offer any summer discounts.  In order to continue to provide childcare and protect my business, I must be able to maintain a steady income.  If your child has a full time spot, but you wish to bring them part time over the summer, while continuing to pay for full time (to hold their space), you must turn in a summer schedule for June, July, and August so I know when to expect them.  


If your days and hours will be remaining exactly the same, there is no need to submit a summer schedule.


Late pick up fee: The late pick up fee is $1 for each minute you arrive after your contracted pick up time. For example if your contracted pick up time is 4:00 pm and you pick your child up at 4:03, the late fee is $3. If you pick your child up at 4:12pm, the late fee is $12. If you have more than one child, the late fee doubles.

Late fees are to be paid in cash at the time of pick up. If not, I will include an invoice for the late fee in your child’s communication folder.


Before/After hour rate: $15/hour/child - This only applies if approved and written up in the contract or you have gotten approval at least 24 hours in advance. If you need extended care, this is the price.

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