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Illness and Medication


Any child displaying symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or any other possible contagious symptoms, should not be brought to school. Please notify me as soon as possible that your child is sick and will not attending.  Please do not show up with your sick child and ask me if they may attend.


If your child becomes sick while in my care, they will be separated from the rest of the children, remaining in sight. I will contact you immediately. If I cannot reach you in the first 20/30 minutes, I will begin calling your emergency contacts. You or someone from your pick up list, must pick your child up within an hour of notification. If you fail to do so, a late fee of $25 will be added to your tuition. Everyone should have a plan in place for when their child is sick.



SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS - If your child has any of the following they should not attend or will be sent home


Fever of over 100.0 degrees (under the arm, without adding a degree) 

One episode of vomiting

One episode of diarrhea

Draining/goopy, red, or itchy eye(s)

Troubled breathing due to congestion

Colored mucus coming from the nose, either by itself or with a cough

Any skin rash, hives, or swelling

Any communicable disease 


To tired or to ill to participate in regular activities

Open skin lesions

Severe coughing


These are the guidelines set up by the state of Florida. Your child needs to be symptom free for 24 hours, without medication, before returning to school.


If your child is running a fever for ANY reason they are not allowed to attend.


If your child has diarrhea or a fever and you believe its from something other than a virus, you must have a doctors note stating that it is not a symptom of an illness, before they may return.


Should your child contract a contagious disease, please contact me immediately. This will help me to stop the spread of illness. If your child has such a disease, they may only return with a doctor's note, stating that they are no longer contagious.


If my son or myself becomes sick, I will notify you asap. You will be required to pick your child up within an hour of notification. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


Medicine:  I do not administer any medication, over the counter or prescriptions.  Please administer any needed medication, before or after care.  Please do not put any medication in your child’s school bag. 


SIDS: Please always remember to sleep your infants on their backs!

I take SIDS very seriously and take multiple precautions to prevent it.  I will not sleep your baby on it's stomach. If there is a medical reason for stomach sleeping, the state requires a doctors note. 

I do not allow children under 1 years old to sleep with anything in their pack n play. 


Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention: 

In order to prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome, these steps will be taken to calm a baby who is continually crying.  If at any point the care giver is feeling overly tense or angry while trying to calm the baby, the baby will be laid on their back, in their pack-n-play, while the caregiver takes a short break, while keeping the baby in sight at all times.  The caregiver will notify the child’s parent/guardian if they can not get the baby to stop crying, and they are feeling overwhelmed or it is too disruptive.




Emergency Procedures


Fire- In case of a fire, children will be evacuated out of the closet of the 3 exit doors, or closet window if necessary. All children will be relocated across the street, to the neighbors yard.  Parents will be contacted immediately for reunification and pick up.  


Lockdown- In the case of a lockdown, all children will accompany caregiver into the hall restroom, which has no windows.  Children will wait with caregiver until it is safe to come out.  I will contact parents via text as soon as able, to let them know we are ok and in lockdown.  When lockdown is over, parents will be notified, and given the option to pick up if desired.


Inclement Weather- If there is inclement weather in the area, parents will be contacted to pick their children up immediately.  In the case of unexpected weather with little to no warning, the children will accompany caregiver to our safe spot, the back bathroom, which is both windowless and an interior room.  When able, the caregiver will notify parents. The children and caregiver will remain in the safe room until the inclement weather has passed.


Natural Disaster-  In the occurrence of a natural disaster, parents will be contacted to pick their children up immediately.  In the case of unexpected natural disaster with little to no warning, the children will accompany caregiver to our safe spot, the back bathroom, which is both windowless and an interior room.  When able, the caregiver will notify parents. The children and caregiver will remain in the safe room until safe to come out, or evacuation becomes necessary.  If evacuation is needed, caregiver will exit through the safest door or window.  Parents will be notified as soon as possible if we are forced to leave the house.


As always, 911 will be contacted when needed in the event of an emergency.





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