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Enrollment Process:  

The first thing each family should do, is thoroughly read through the handbook.  Each family goes through a phone interview, as well as an in person tour and interview before enrollment.  Please make sure you have read the handbook in its entirety before your tour. If your child is selected to join my program, I will inform you and send you the required paperwork.


Please decide on the schedule your family will need before you start the enrollment process.  Days and times needed should be clearly communicated to ensure I have an open space and am willing to take on your schedule.  If something with your schedule changes before your child begins care, please let me know.  I cannot guarantee that I will be able to accommodate your new schedule.  


All enrollment forms must be filled out and returned before your child begins care. 


All enrollment forms must be printed out and hand signed.  I do not accept digital copies of enrollment forms.


Two copies of the contract must be completed and signed by all parties. 


Your child will not be considered enrolled until I have received all enrollment forms, their immunization record, their State of Florida School Entry Health Exam form, payment for the first week of care, and the registration/supply fee.


Enrollment/Supply Fee: The enrollment/supply fee is $100. This fee is to be paid at the time of enrollment, and annually by August 1st. If your child begins care in August, you would only pay the fee once that year. However, if your child begins in any other month, you will still have to pay the supply fee again in August. At the time of enrollment this fee acts as your registration fee, it also holds your spot until care begins. Annually in August this fee will act as a supply fee that will go to buying supplies that will benefit your child while in my care. The amount of the fee will also be noted on your contract. This fee is non-refundable.


Early Enrollment: If your child will NOT be starting within two weeks of the time enrollment is decided upon, you will also be required to pay your child's first two weeks of tuition, along with the registration fee, before their spot will be held. All payments are non refundable. You will also need to turn in all paperwork.  


Extended Early Enrollment: If your child will not be starting for 2 weeks or more, in order to hold their spot, you will need to begin weekly tuition payments in order to hold the space for your child.  All payments are non refundable. You will need to complete, sign, and turn in the contract and registration forms, when you begin payments. You will  turn in the rest of the paperwork when your child is starting care. 


Immunizations: Each child is required to be up to date on their immunizations. I must have a current copy of your child’s immunizations on file at all times. Please bring me the updated forms as you receive them. No child will be allowed to begin care until I have their current immunization form.  The correct immunization form, has a Florida seal on the form.  The list of immunizations, is not the correct form.


Every time your child goes to the doctor for a well visit, you will need to get an updated immunization form.  Please make a note of the expiration date so you will know when you need a new form.  I recommend putting a reminder in your phone to help you remember. If your child misses a well visit for any reason, you may have to get the doctors office to issue you an immunization form with an extended expiration date.  Typically the expiration date lines up with their next visit.  For instance if your child is sick on a day they were supposed to get an immunization and it gets pushed back.  If you decide to push back or change your child's immunization schedule, you will also need to get a new form with an extended expiration date to match your new immunization schedule.


Exceptions to the above policy: Religious exemption from immunization must be confirmed by the Volusia County Health Department on the required form, including the proper signatures. This exemption form can be picked up at the Volusia County Health Department. 

There may be children in care that have filed for and received religious exemption from immunizations.


State Of Florida School Entry Health Form: Please turn this form in along with enrollment forms.  You will get this form along with your immunization form from your doctor's office.  They may not give it to you automatically, you may have to ask.  It is often yellow, and it is double sided. This form is good for 2 years from the date it was issued, after that I will need a new Health Exam Form for your child.  This is a two sided form. One side your doctor will fill out, the other side should be filled out by you. Please make sure you have filled out the parent side of this form before turning it in.  Most parents forget to fill out the other side of this form.


Increasing Days/Changing schedules once enrolled:  If you enroll your child in a part time space and decide you would like to move to full time, you are welcome to do so, if I have availability. However, the ability for you to switch schedules will be based on current openings.  I cannot guarantee or hold a space.  You may request to have your child added to the wait list for the new schedule you will need.


Slow Start: If you are enrolling your child into a full time space, and decide you'd like to have them start slower and not come everyday of the week to start, you are welcome to do so. However, you will be required to pay for your full time space even if your child won't be attending every day at first.  My part time spaces are very limited and I only enroll for the space I am looking to fill.  Please let me know if you are interested in starting slowly and we can figure out a schedule.  


Withdrawal from care: 1 Month’s Notice: Out of respect, I ask that you please give me at least 1 months notice if you decide to end care. You will be required to pay for this month, even if your child does not attend. This allows me to continually find families and children that are the best fit for our program.  It also helps to protect my small business by allowing me to decrease gaps in open spaces.  I appreciate everyone adhering to this policy. Withdrawing is never fun, as we all become so close, and it's hard to say goodbye.  We miss all of our friends, but it is always exciting to see each child flourish in their next phase of child care, school, or new location.


Enrolling an Infant before they are born: If you are currently expecting, and wish to enroll your infant, I will hold a space for you up to 2 weeks without payment.  Anything beyond 2 weeks would require payment to hold the space.  Once you have toured and made the decision that you would like to try and enroll, I will place you on the waiting list.  As your probable start date approaches, I will let you know as spots open up.  You have the option to hold the space by paying for the spot.  If you chose to pass on that spot, I will let you know when the next spot opens up.  If the spot opening up is 2 weeks or less away, I will hold the space for you with just the enrollment fee.  


Enrolling a sibling before they are born:  If you have a child already enrolled, who will still be enrolled at the time of your second child starting care, I will hold a spot for them up to one month out.  If your second child will be enrolling, but your first child will no longer be in care, I can only hold the spot for two weeks.  I am only able to give you the benefit of extra holding time if your other child will still be in care. 





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