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Our School Day



Each child in my care will participate in a daily rest time.  The child's rest time(s) will depend on their age, and their current rest schedule at the time of enrollment.  You will include the information about your child's nap schedule on the enrollment form, Child Information.  As your child grows we can discuss changes in the amount and times of their rest period.  Every child will lay down in their pack n play or on their nap map each day.  If a child no longer naps at home, they will still be required to rest here.  However, if a child does not fall asleep after 30 min they will be allowed to quietly read a book or do a quiet activity, while everyone else is resting. 




In order to start potty training there are a few things that need to happen.


-Your child should show signs of readiness. These signs include: being able to tell someone when they need to go to or have gone potty (in their diaper), they start staying dry for longer periods of time throughout the day and during nap time, they are able to pull down/up their own pants, and they are wanting/excited to use the potty. Please let me know when you have begun truly potty training your child. Putting pull ups on your child, and allowing them to potty in them as they would diapers, does not count as true potty training.


-You should decide on a plan for potty training. Are you going to use pull ups? Are you going to go straight to underwear? Are you using any form of reward? Are you using a child sized potty, the toilet, or a child sized toilet seat? What is your plan for nap time?


-You should begin potty training at home. If your child comes full time, then you can start at night and on weekends. After you have had some success in this area I will gladly assist you in your plan to potty train your child.


-You should have a clear discussion with me, describing your potty training plans. Please let me know about the progress your child is making at home.


If you need advice, have any questions, or just someone to talk things over with, feel free to talk to me about it. I am here to work with you to make this process easier. However, I am not responsible for potty training your child. In my experience potty training is only successful when the parents are fully on board in the process. 


I don't give children candy or food treats for potty training, even if provided from home.  I use other methods for positive reinforcement to assist with potty training.


In order to be able to wear underwear to school your child needs to...


-Be staying dry in a diaper or pull-up all day while with me, excluding nap times

-Be able to pull pants/shorts up and down on their own

-Be able to get on the stool and the toilet unassisted


Potty Trained Children: Once your child is fully potty trained (underwear only) you may begin bringing only one pack of wipes each month. Please make sure your child still has extra clothes and underwear.

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