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Tuition Schedules & Due Dates:


Tuition is to be paid weekly.


Your child's weekly tuition is to be paid on the last day of care they attend, the previous week. So if your child's scheduled days are Monday - Friday, you will pay for the upcoming week on Friday. If your child attends from Mon. - Wed., you would pay on Wednesday. If your days vary each week, your payment days will vary as well.


If your child is absent or should I be closed for any reason (including vacation), tuition will be due the last day your child attends that week, for the following week.


Tuition Changes:

Your child's tuition will remain the same week to week the duration they are enrolled. The only time your tuition will change (besides late fees or a tuition increase), is if I take unpaid vacation time.  


If you pay for full time, but you chose to bring your child part time over the summer, your tuition will remain the same.  Unless you are switching your child to part time, have given a one months notice about intended schedule change, and have gotten approval that a part time space is available.  Once you switch to part time, you are not guaranteed a full time space for the Fall.


Payment by Venmo:  

If possible, I would prefer Venmo payments to check payments. Venmo is a mobile App that allows you to digitally transfer money to me.  If you need help setting your Venmo up, I am happy to help you.  My Venmo name is Morgan Morvant.  All transactions are set to private and cannot been seen by others. 


Payment by Check:

Please make checks payable to - Morgan Morvant

Please write checks out neatly so they can easily be clearly read by the ATM or Mobile App, when I deposit them.

There will be a fee of $40 for any check that is returned. You will then be required to pay in cash from that point on. 


Payment by Cash:

You may pay by cash, but it must be in labeled envelope.  Please include the child's name, date, and the amount paid, on the envelope.


Late Tuition Fees:

If you fail to pay tuition on time, late fees will be added. Late fees will be $5/day that tuition is late, including weekends and other days your child does not attend. If you have more than one child, the late fee doubles. If your child is absent on the day tuition is due, you are still required to pay on that day. If your tuition is due on a day that is a holiday, you must pay tuition on the last day your child attends before the holiday. If you fail to pay tuition when it is due, you WILL be charged late fees. Your child must be paid up in tuition in order to attend.


The only time I allow tuition to be paid late is closure for bad weather and illness. If your child is ill on that day, you are required to pay by the following day by 5 pm (No matter what day this might be). If I have decided to close for bad weather you may pay your tuition on the following day by 5 pm.


Tuition Rates:

Rates are subject to change. If rates will be increasing, I will provide each family with at least 2 weeks notice of change. 


If you enroll a new sibling, or switch your child's scheduled days you will need to ask for current tuition rates, and you will be required to pay the current tuition rates.



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