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Holidays and Closures


Paid Holidays-

*If any of these holidays fall on a weekend, another day will be chosen- please see monthly newsletter for details*


New Years Eve (see Christmas schedule below)

New Years Day (see Christmas schedule below)

MLK Jr. Day

Presidents Day

Spring Break Week - The same week as Volusia County schools

Good Friday

Memorial Day & the Friday before


July 4th 

Labor Day

Indigenous People / Columbus Day 

Halloween *Early closure - 2:30pm

Veterans Day

Thanksgiving Week- Monday-Friday

Christmas Eve through New Years Day -- I will close for Christmas starting on Christmas eve (If this day falls on a weekend, another day will be chosen- please see monthly newsletter). I will remain closed through New Year's Day, Jan 1. I will re open on Jan 2, unless these days fall on weekends, in which case please see the monthly newsletter for exact dates.


Tuition will remain the same for weeks with a paid holiday, vacation time, or illness. 


Sick/Emergency Days -

All Sick days, funeral, and emergency days are paid days (up to 6/yr.) These will only be used if I absolutely need them.

If I become ill or have a family emergency, I will notify everyone as soon as possible.  You will be responsible for finding alternate care.  If I have a substitute available, I will let everyone know asap. Your tuition would remain the same, unless of course I had to be closed for an extended amount of time or something crazy.

I do not take sick days often, however if you have a time the day before you would like to be notified by, please let me know. If not it will be left up to my discretion to decide when to notify families of the closure. Although, if I throw up in the middle of the night or get a fever, you will not be able to be notified until the morning of.  This is often based on when the sickness becomes too bad for me to legally work.  Just as the state does not allow children to stay in my care when they exhibit certain symptoms, I am not allowed to work when I have these symptoms.  I ask that everyone show me the same kindness and understanding they would like someone to show them when they are too sick to work.  I am a hard worker, and I would much rather work than be ill.


Covid Closures - Any days that I have to close due to Covid precautions will be counted as paid sick days, until all of the sick days are gone.  After that, I will use vacation days, followed by non paid closures. 

Any day that you decide to keep your child from care because of Covid precautions or quarantining will still require payment in order to keep the spot.


Paid Vacations - I will take up to 18 days paid vacation per year. I will give as much notice as possible if I am using vacation time. Days off will be listed in the monthly newsletter, or texted out in a memo. If you have to make your schedule in advance, please feel free to ask me about any upcoming days I might be closed.  Sometimes I might know there is a chance of taking the days off ahead of time, but if you do not ask before you make your schedule, you will find out with everyone else in the newsletter when I know exact dates.  


Bad Weather Closures - We will be closed for bad weather, along with Volusia County Schools. I will notify everyone when I hear about a closure, however if you see that Volusia County Schools are closed, you will know that I am closed as well.  


The state does not allow me to be open when there is no power. I will have to close or remain closed after a storm if I do not have power.


If I do have to close, tuition will remain the same.


Substitute - I have a state approved substitute who will fill in for me on some days.  The substitute has gone through the same background screening and fingerprinting as I have.  I will let you know if a substitute will be covering for me.

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