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Notices and Termination


Withdrawal from care - 1 Month’s Notice: Out of respect, I ask that you please give me at least 1 months notice if you have decided to end care. You will be required to pay for this month, even if your child does not attend. Please note that if you put your month's notice in during the month of July/August, you will still be required to pay the supply fee for your child. Any child attending ANY days in the month of August will be required to pay the supply fee in order to attend.



The provider reserves the right to terminate care for the following reasons:

*Late payment by parent

*Late pick up by parent

*Lack of parental cooperation

*Disrespect of provider, provider’s family, or fellow childcare families

*Lack of compliance to policies outlined in the handbook

*Parent expresses they do not agree with the providers policies

*Parent is obviously not comfortable with child care setting, and needs constant reassurance

*Parent is showing signs of aggression and/or anger

*Parent makes threatening comments towards provider, her family, or the other children in her care.

*Parent knowingly brings an ill child to care

*Parent shows up to child care under the suspected influence of alcohol/drugs


The provider may suggest a different form of child care will suit you best, or ask that your child’s care come to an end if:

*The child fails to adjust to childcare setting

*The child continues to hurt or bite others, after more then a couple incidents

*The child has little or no respect for provider’s home, property, or others.

*Child exhibits unacceptable behavior that interferes with the atmosphere of the childcare home and/or is detrimental to the well being of others.

*The child has incidents of yelling or being rude/ disrespectful to provider, her family, etc.

*The child exhibits any sign that this child care setting may not suit their needs the best

*The child is excessively crying or upset, despite a reasonable adjustment period

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